5 Day Live Online Training with 
Dr. Christine Malenda



Kim Baydarian, M.D.

I have spent thousands of dollars on every natural remedy out there for my daughter's eczema! We have a graveyard of supplements and creams and lotions and oils. You name it and we tried it! We tortured ourselves with eliminating dairy and delt with crying fits at birthday parties that served pizza and ice cream as our hearts broke to exclude her from the fun. It has been a real challenge! After working with Dr. Christine for just a few weeks and learning how to reliably access my intuition and to ask for guidance from the universe I received a clear message that pine trees were the key to her healing. Within 3 days of using pine tree salve, "christmas tree medicine" on my 3 year old daughter her eczema was gone. My entire family is in awe. Her skin is beautiful and clear. I am forever thankful to Dr. Christine for her incredible teaching and encouragement and for the healing that my daughter has received as a result.

If you are searching for someone to guide you on your healing journey. Look no further. She is your answer. 

Melissa Syler, Mental Health Advocate and Founder of 
Be The Light Campaign

"Working with Dr. Christine has been life changing. I’ve worked with several doctors, therapists, healers and counselors over the years but none like Christine. I am inspired — having changed the fear-based, victim-minded narrative into “what did it teach me” and “how to move forward”. Her words and guidance have really transformed me and how I view myself and the world. She has mastered the perfect balance of listening and teaching."
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ONE TIME OFFER: LIVE Group Instant Meditative Healing Experience with Dr. Christine Malenda $100

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